Manufacturer: Seagate Model: ST423451W TD# 800942
Interface... UltraSCSI Formatted Capacity... 23,400 MB
Cylinders 6880 Heads 28 Sectors Variable
Landing Zone Cyl + 1 Average Latency 5.55ms RWC Cyl N/A
Encoding Method PRML Xfer/Mb 40 MTBF (Hr X 1000) 1000
Form factor 3.5" Novell Y/N Y Height HALF
Power (Typical) 6.74W Power (Max) 11.1W Speed 5400
Avg seek (ms) 13.2/14.2 Cache 2,048k Mfg. Warranty 5 YRS

NOTE: Can also be operated according to SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and SCSI-3 protocols.
Copyright ⌐ 1996, 1997 Tech Data Corporation

Configuration and Jumper Options

If your system is "SCAM" (SCSI Configured Auto Magically) compliant, the system assigns the drive ID over the interface, so there is no need to be concerned about drive ID. Setting the drive ID jumpers doesn’t hurt anything, but is not necessary.
If your system is not "SCAM" compliant you do need to set the drive ID using the ID jumpers. (See Below)

4234WID.GIF (36959 bytes)

Terminating the drive

The ST423451W drives are terminated with permanently mounted IC active terminators. If you install one of these drives and it is not on the end of the SCSI bus, disable the terminators by removing the jumper TE from pins 19 and 20 of connector J4A (see below). If you install the drive on the end of the SCSI bus, enable termination by installing a jumper on pins 19 and 20 of connector J4A.

NOTE: Use active (ANSI SCSI-2 Alternative 2) terminators when terminating the bus.

4234WTR.GIF (8598 bytes)

Terminator power

There are three possible terminator power configurations for the ST423451W drive. You will not normally need to change this option and can leave the drive configured as it was from the factory.

4234ntp.gif (21137 bytes)

Other applicable jumper options

Several other jumper options are available as illustrated below.

4234noo.gif (31959 bytes)

Active, Ready, and Fault indicators

The Active, Ready, and Fault LED indicator connections are shown below.

4234led.gif (27792 bytes)

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